Repurposed EU funds Not Enough to Beat COVID-19

05 May 2020

Yesterday the European Commission held an online pledging conference to raise €7.5 billion to trace, test and treat COVID-19. However, for many living in fragile places around the world, the effects of COVID-19 on their livelihoods and societies will far outweigh the health impacts.

Selena Victor, Mercy Corps’ Senior Director for Policy and Advocacy, says:

“COVID-19 is unlike any crisis we have faced before, unfolding across countries and continents simultaneously and putting the most vulnerable at risk. We welcome the European Union's commitment to respond to the global impacts of the pandemic but are concerned that we are seeing a repurposing of existing funds to do so, rather than a release of new funding.

European governments are, of course, facing enormous economic pressures and domestic needs, but global needs have only intensified due to COVID-19. We will not see off this pandemic by simply redeploying existing funds.

If we do not respond urgently, and at an appropriate scale, the outlook looks bleak for millions of people around the world. Already food prices are rising at the same time as people are losing their livelihoods. Sub-Saharan Africa is on course to experience its first recession in 25 years, and an estimated 23 million people will be pushed into extreme poverty there by the end of the year. We also anticipate increased tensions between communities as they seek out resources, already scarce due to the climate crisis.   

The economic and societal effects on the world's most vulnerable will be devastating unless we find a way to unlock the usual bureaucratic processes and get resources to the frontline organisations that can help.”