Mercy Corps: Iraq Facing "Aid Deserts" as Areas Could Become No-Go Zones for Humanitarians

26 February 2019

Global organization Mercy Corps warns that extremist groups put humanitarian operations at risk

ERBIL, Iraq — Global organization Mercy Corps warns that extremist activity is increasing in Iraq, which is threatening to create no-go areas, and creating the risk that these areas could become “aid deserts.” The rise in insurgency threatens humanitarian operations in parts of Iraq as access and safety are increasingly precarious. According to the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project, there have been almost 2000 security incidents involving extremist groups since January 1, 2018; and despite ISIS having been pushed out of Mosul, ISIS elements have regrouped in the provinces of Kirkuk, Diyala, Salahaddin, and parts of Anbar.

“What we are reading in the media and what we are seeing on the ground in Iraq simply doesn’t add up,” says Tanya Evans, Iraq Country Director for Mercy Corps. “If anything, extremist groups are growing in confidence. As the reconstruction efforts continue to stall, groups like ISIS are filling the cracks.”

“In some of the worst-affected areas, we face daily challenges in reaching vulnerable populations. If aid workers can’t reach communities, we face the very real danger of creating aid deserts in areas where the humanitarian needs are overwhelming.”

The global humanitarian organization, which is currently supporting peacebuilding efforts in several of the affected areas, calls on the international community to invest in programs that will address the deep divisions that have been created after fifteen years of conflict.

“The key to tackling this problem isn’t military intervention, it is helping people rebuild their lives,” says Evans. “Alongside physical infrastructure and emergency aid, there needs to be much more investment in peacebuilding and good governance.”

“Fifteen years of conflict have left a country divided; bridging the cultural, tribal and religious divisions is critical if Iraq is going to begin a new chapter. It isn’t just about rebuilding towns, we need to invest in rebuilding communities.”

Mercy Corps has operated continuously in Iraq since 2003, providing assistance to 5 million Iraqis affected by war, violence and displacement in all 18 governorates. Currently the organization is addressing the needs of people affected by conflict, providing lifesaving supplies and working with communities to recover and rebuild.

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