Aid Agencies Call for Upholding International Humanitarian Law, Protection of Civilians and Civilian Objects in Ukraine

10 October 2022

Heavily populated areas in Ukraine—including in Dnipro, Kyiv, Lviv and Ternopil—came under attack on Monday from explosive weapons with wide-area effects, killing at least 11 civilians and injuring another 89.

Several civilian objects were destroyed, including a playground, a pedestrian bridge and several homes. The damage done to critical civilian infrastructure also led to power outages and disruptions to water, electricity and communication supplies, at a time when civilians are preparing for winter.

The attacks come amid a pattern of escalation across the country, which forced several aid agencies to suspend operations over safety concerns for their staff and populations in need of support, until it is safe to resume.

Aid agencies in Ukraine call for respecting obligations under international humanitarian law and international human rights law and for the protection of civilians and civilian objects from ongoing hostilities.

Reprisal attacks targeting civilians, civilian objects and buildings used for the protection of civilian populations are always prohibited under the laws of war.


  1. Mercy Corps
  2. Action contre la Faim
  3. Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund
  4. Caritas Ukraine
  5. Danish Refugee Council
  6. HelpAge International
  8. Medical Teams International
  9. Network 100 percent life Rivne
  10. Pax
  11. People in Need
  12. Plan International
  13. Save the Children
  14. Solidarites International
  15. Stabilization Support Services
  16. World Vision
  17. International Rescue Committee