Final Internal Performance Review Toolkit

A stabilizing board used to craft bracelets.
02 December 2022 • UPDATED 17 March 2023

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About the Toolkit

Mercy Corps requires that a final, internal performance review (FIPR) must be conducted for all programmes. The final, internal performance review report must include final measurements on all indicators and documentation of lessons learned; it is conducted to manage and preserve knowledge about programme performance and quality in a way that is meaningful to Mercy Corps. Should a final programme performance evaluation be required, the FIPR ensures that it maintains, as its primary objective, an assessment of performance based on the award's performance criteria.

Though not a full evaluation, all preparations for—and elements of—the FIPR are required for a full evaluation. Therefore, should a final programme evaluation be required, one need only add a few elements including the collection of some primary data to the Scope of Work (SOW). In some cases, however, the FIPR can serve as the programme’s final evaluation. Furthermore, having the FIPR will assure a smoother, faster evaluation. Thus, none of the time and labour expended to conduct the FIPR is ever wasted.

The purpose of this toolkit is to provide the templates, guidance, and examples needed for programme teams to conduct an FIPR. It was created by Mercy Corps in 2022.


Toolkit Introduction and FIPR Generalised Events

This describes the components of the FIPR toolkit, acronyms used in the toolkit, references and links to the Mercy Corps Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Policy minimum standards, instructions for using the templates, and a general outline of events when conducting the FIPR organised within its three phases: Preparation, Inception, and Conducting the FIPR.

Tool #1: FIPR Scope of Work Template:

The SOW prepares the programme team to conduct the FIPR. The SOW should be completed collaboratively by the programme leads, MEL staff, and key technical staff. The SOW template helps you: (a) describe the criteria used for programme inclusion; (b) operationally define your interventions and when/where they took place; (c) document the programme’s indicators and targets and contextual data sources; (d) document the assumptions on which the intervention was designed and if there were major shifts in the strategy and intervention package; (e) inventory deliverables; and (f) provide the objectives of the FIPR and space for learning questions.

This template—like all templates in this toolkit—contains samples, guidance, pop-up definitions and hints.

Tool #2: FIPR Inception Report Template

Completing the inception report will make conducting the FIPR and writing the FIPR report easier. The inception report helps you identify and organise our files, documents, and data to be used in the FIPR. It also serves as a condensed version of a feasibility (of achieving the FIPR objectives) study as well as the protocol for the conducting FIPR. It provides space for technical notes and comments that arise during document/data review. The template assures consistency and comparability across programmes and improves readability and interpretation by targeted readers.

Tool #3: FIPR Report Template:

This template provides a structure that ensures consistency across various FIPRs so we can compare them over time. The Report Template also clarifies what the readers should expect to find, and how the content should be organised to meet the needs of various stakeholders. It guides the FIPR lead with the approach to analysis and how to summarise and present the findings. It is organised in nine sections: (1) Executive summary; (2) Introduction (description of the programme that can be taken from the SOW and Inception report); (3) Progress assessment (implementation against work plans); (4) Performance assessment (achievements against targets while considering context, assumptions and other data and evidence; (5) Unintended outcomes; (6) Scalability and replicability; (7) Sustainability; (8) Value for money (optional in an FPR); and (9) Lessons learned.

FIPR Filing Structure Model

The filing structure model helps teams organise the files need for the FIPR by suggesting the folders and relevant content. Having a consistent structure for all FIPRs also makes it easier to locate files after the programme has ended and improves version control.

Other Templates and Examples:

This toolkit contains support material for conducting an FIPR. This includes an Actuals verses Targets Template that organises the indicators and values in the programmes Indicator Performance Targets Table (IPTT) such that assessing programme performance is straightforward. It provides the format and guidance to assess performance across multiple indicators and time along with an example of how this template was used. A template for inventorying to whom and when expected deliverables were delivered is also included.


The toolkit, having been launched on December 6, 2022 is new to most Mercy Corps programmes. FIPRs conducted in previous years vary somewhat in their format, content, and execution. As such, we will revise the toolkit as we learn from teams using it.


If you have questions about the toolkit, please write to either Thomas Scialfa, Ala’a Issa, or Meri Ghorkhmazyan.


“Final Internal Performance Review (FIPR) Toolkit” by Mercy Corps; Thomas Scialfa, Ala'a Issa, Meri Ghorkhmazyan is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.