Mercy Corps Welcomes Diplomatic Initiative Between the United States and North Korea

12 March 2018

Statement from Neal Keny-Guyer, Chief Executive Officer

Mercy Corps welcomes the news of a diplomatic initiative between the United States and North Korea. Since 1995, our teams have made more than 60 visits to North Korea. We know from our experience there that, as in every country where we work, there are plenty of people hoping for peace.

Since 1996, Mercy Corps has promoted cross-cultural exchanges. We’ve undertaken several initiatives over the years to meet the urgent needs of the country's vulnerable families and communities. Examples include projects designed to help meet health and nutritional needs and facilitate collaboration on long-term agricultural and economic solutions.

We know the issues are complex and challenging. Still, we’ve met many North Koreans who want a normal relationship with the rest of the world. Their voices are often muted, cautious and never public, but they are real.

Mercy Corps has a long record of promoting diplomatic solutions in North Korea, and the agency remains committed to supporting the North Korean people in their efforts to build better lives and a brighter future.