Urban Resilience Measurement

Mercy Corps recently developed a training curriculum and approach guide on urban resilience measurement. It was developed at the request of USAID/RDMA to provide them with technical support and funded by a grant from Food Security Network/TOPS program.
The training curriculum built upon the last three years of Mercy Corps’ resilience work, our strategic resilience assessment process (STRESS) as a framework for systems analysis, and our involvement in the resilience measurement technical working group. The approach demonstrated how these frameworks could be used to better understand and measure the performance of urban systems for resilience, and focus on application for urban program design, monitoring and evaluation.
This curriculum was recently used to train a cadre of USAID Program and Monitoring Evaluation Officers, urban program implementing partners, and representatives from Rockefeller and the Asia Development Bank on approaches to Urban Resilience Measurement in Manila. As a result of the training, USAID Missions with active urban resilience programs, including Indonesia and the Philippines, have reached out to the Center for Resilience to receive on-going technical assistance in implementing the methodology. Mercy Corps also recently shared the resilience measurement methodology with a wider group of agencies and practitioners at the Rockefeller-led Resilience Community of Practice event in Rome.