
At Mercy Corps, we work with governments, institutions, local leaders, civil society organisations, foundations and businesses around the world to ensure that the voices of the people we work with are heard, and that they get the support they need to strengthen their communities from within.

Our teams and partners advocate for good policies and best practices so our programmes make a wider impact, create lasting change and function effectively and efficiently.

We rely on your voice, too. With your help, we can ensure that everyone is aware of some of these critical issues, from your friends to your members of Government.

To find out more about our advocacy work, policy briefs, or if you have a speaker request, please get in touch with the Policy & Advocacy team on

Show your support for Afghan families
woman in Nepal plants sugarcane


We're advocating for increased adaptation funding to help those whose lives and livelihoods are affected by the climate crisis.


Iraqi civilians displaced after conflict shaking hands over a fence

Peace & Conflict

We work with communities affected by conflict to promote peacebuilding techniques and address interpersonal conflicts before they escalate. 

Emergency response

Emergency Response

We’ve responded to almost every global natural disaster in the last 20 years, addressing immediate humanitarian needs while also preparing communities for a sustainable recovery. 

flooded open area in Haiti with a person standing off to the right in the water

Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance

We've partnered with other leading organisations to find practical ways to help communities strengthen their resilience to flood risk, as well as influencing government actors to improve their policies.

Want to know more?